Administration management departmentPolicy coordination and cooperation departmentDisaster prevention departmentEmergency operation department/Disaster rapid management departmentFire fighting department/Fire and blaze fighting departmentState reserve and humanitarian assistance departmentFinance and supply service departmentMonitoring and evaluation, assessment and internal audit divisionDisaster research instituteScience and innovation unitDisaster management research centerDisaster testing and analysis centerUN development program MON/13/301 project
Архангай аймаг
Arkhangai province Emergency management departmentEstablished in March 2015. Has search and rescue unit, rescue and fire fighting unit, and state reserve unit in Tuvshuruuleh soum. 68 personnel.Баян-Өлгий аймагBayan-Ulgii province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1971. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004.Баянхонгор аймагBayankhongor province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 2004. 63 personnelБулган аймагBulgan province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1971. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004. 110 personnel.Говь-Алтай аймагGobi-Altai province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1977. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004.Говьсүмбэр аймагGobi-Sumber province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1991. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004.Дархан-Уул аймагDarkhan-Uul province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1962. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004. 166 personnel.Дорноговь аймагDornogobi province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1968. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004. 167 personnel.Дорнод аймагDornod province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 2004. Has firefighting unit, search and rescue unit.Дундговь аймагDundgobi province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1977. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004. Has search and rescue unit.Dundgobi province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1977. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004. 49 personnel. Has search and rescue unit.Төв аймагTuv province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1958. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004. 62 personnel.Сэлэнгэ аймагSelenge province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1934. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004.has 3 state reserve units, 10 firefighting units, 231 personnel.Сүхбаатар аймагSukhbaatar province Emergency management departmentEstablished 1972. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004.Завхан аймагZavkhan province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 2003.has 4 firefighting units. 6 state reserve units.Орхон аймагOrkhon province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 1976. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004. 198 personnel. Has state reserve unit.Өвөрхангай аймагUvurkhangai province Emeregency management departmentEstablished in 1972. Re-established under nema with new structure in 2004. Has 2 firefighting units. Has 3 state reserve units. 96 personnel.Өмнөговь аймагUmnugobi province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 2004. Has firefighting unit, state reserve unit.Хэнтий аймагKhentii province Emergency management departmentEstablished in 2004. Has search and rescue unit, 2 firefightin unit, state reserve unit. 138 personnel.Хөвсгөл аймагKhuvsgul province Emergency management departmentNo data foundХовд аймагKhovd province Emergency management departmentNo data foundУвс аймагUvs province Emergency management departmentNo data found